This fun, interactive, informative, and practical seminar will discuss how we can apply wisdom to traditional as well as emerging data management disciplines. For example, how can we move efficiently and effectively in traditional types of data management efforts such as data strategies, data governance, master data management, data modeling, and do the same for newer disciplines such as big data, ‘internet of things’, cognitive computing and artificial intelligence efforts.
This seminar will focus on something that is often missed and yet so critically important in these efforts – applying wisdom using specific and practical tools. What is wisdom? It is being able to see what is really happening and take actions that are in the highest interests of all. In our rapidly changing industry, how can we most effectively do this?
This seminar will address:
- What is important for us to consider and take action upon in our existing data management programs
- How big data, the internet of things, cognitive computing, artificial intelligence, and other newer trends have changed the enterprise landscape and what is important for us to consider and take action upon in these newer arenas
- Various human factors that are important to address such as our underlying purpose, intentions as we evolve our industry, trust, morals/ethics, communications and conflicts.
- Important techniques and tools that we can use to apply wisdom in our industry and to our lives
- How to collaborate effectively in an increasingly complex world
The seminar will provide you with an extremely practical and useful toolkit to help you move forward in our industry with your purpose, while applying your true wisdom.
Speaker Bio
Len Silverston
Universal Data Models, LLC
Len Silverstonis a best-selling author, consultant, and speaker with over 30 years of experience helping organizations in various data governance and data management programs. Mr. Silverston is an internationally acclaimed expert and thought leader in the fields of data governance, data modeling, data management, and in the human dynamics of integrating information. He has helped a great number of organizations around the globe successfully implement data strategies, architectures, models, governance, and effective information management programs.
He is the author of The Data Model Resource Book series (Volumes 1, 2, and 3), which describe hundreds of reusable data models. The volume 1 book was rated #12 on the Computer Literacy Best Seller List and his volume 1 and 2 books have been translated into Chinese and in 2009, he co-authored “The Data Model Resource Book, Volume 3, Universal Patterns for Data Modeling”, which has been translated into Korean. Mr. Silverston has published many articles and has been a keynote speaker at many international data conferences. He is the winner of the prestigious DAMA (Data Administration Management Association) International Professional Achievement Award for 2004 and the DAMA International Community Award for 2006. He has given many keynotes and has received the highest speaker rating at several international conferences. Mr. Silverston's company, Universal Data Models, LLC, provides consulting, training, publications, and software to enable integration of information, systems and people and to evolve towards true wisdom.
7:30 - 8:00 am Registration and Continental Breakfast
8:00 - 8:20 am Announcements and Introductions
8:20 - 10:00 am Presentation
10:00 - 10:15 am Morning Break
10:15 - 12:00 pm Presentation
12:00 - 1:00 pm Lunch
1:00 - 2:15 pm Presentation
2:15 - 2:30 pm Afternoon Break
2:30 - 4:00 pm Presentation
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